Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

A whole holiday weekend and no post other than the marathon update! I was busy and it was a great weekend. We decided to stay in the city instead of venturing back to see the family or joining the throngs of people headed to the shore. It was nice to be in the quiet city and fortunately lots of our friends made the same decision.

Saturday afternoon started with a late brunch and then a power rock star bar crawl that even included 'liquid ladies night' with a new friend we met from GA at Phase. Wild madness that fortunately ended with a good night's sleep.

Sunday we had a terrific bbq at Michael and Catrina's. So many of our friends showed up. It was nice to see Wild Thing #1, but I was very disappointed with myself for being so jealous of his BF. I don't understand how I let him get so far under my skin and why I can't get him out. I don't want him there and haven't seen him in many months.

Yesterday was a casual day with Tiff looking at neighborhoods. We jumped down to Old Town Alexandria since she had never seen it before. I had forgotten how much of a place it was for rich white people. The age and diversity of the buildings is amazing, but it is the only thing diverse about that area. I so hope she selects the District when her move day comes.

I've been to the gym early and at work for nearly 2 hours already. Time to get back to it!

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