Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Fake Five Day Holiday

I'm really impressed with the fact that I successfully was able to go bar hopping without smoking. I sat right next to my smokey friends and was tempted, but was strong. I also feel great this morning. No hacking heaving lungs resulting from a two-pack binge night. I almost think I could go running today, but it is my workout day off.

It is time to get ready for work. I love the fact that I get to sleep in every Friday. It sucks to close the office, but it pays for itself with the lazy Friday mornings.

Today marks the one year anniversary of the going away party for my friend DE. I miss her terribly even though she was not necessarily a close friend. I'll have to fire off an email to her today. It's easy to remember the anniversary because her party was interrupted with the crazy amateurs out for Cinco de Mayo. I really don't understand this holiday because I thought the Mexican independence day was in the fall? How is it in the fall, but this celebration day is in May. Maybe I'm just confusing what the day is for. I must Google that later today.

One more thing...I think he finally realized that I stopped smoking. Of course he didn't say anything to me or be supportive in any way. I overheard him telling my friend Dub that it was my 'second' day (ha) not smoking and that I'd fall off the wagon soon because I always have when I've tried to quit. Well F*** him. What makes it worse? She flat out lied about what he said. I made a joke about the fact he hasn't noticed and she swore up and down that he did mention it to her that I hadn't smoked since Sun. Frankly I don't ask for or need lies to make me feel better. I'm a full grown ass man and can handle the truth. In fact I would expect it from my friends, especially Dub. No sugar coating required. I'm probably just being too sensitive (or perhaps nicotine deprived) but it's my blog and I can say what I want to say.

Time for work!

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