Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I had one cigarette on Sunday and none yesterday.  I could not sleep last night and today…friend…my head.  I thought perhaps a pack of that stop smoking gum would work, but they don't sell it in individual packs - only in $50 kits.  I expected it to be expensive, but seriously - that much?  And of course it isn't shelved where one can read and evaluate the box.  It is locked up behind the counter.  The angry commuters at the CVS wouldn't be pleased if I waited in line to compare the non smoking gum.  Do I care - not really, but I don't have time for other people's drama.  It looked like there was a store brand that was cheaper, but again, behind the counter.  I tried this type of thing once on a long flight and it made me sick; not sure I want to make a $50 commitment when it may make me puke.

Eating a bag of pretzels.  $1.38.  I worked out hard with the trainer at 6:15 this AM and am starting the marathon training this week - hopefully that will help displace the symptoms of withdrawal and prevent me from becoming a giant cow.

Nobody knows I'm trying to quit.  At least not until my head spins off, falls to the ground, and eats the leather sole off my shoe.  Could happen.

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