Friday, February 29, 2008

Ulah Bistro

It's open for business and we just had a big crowd for dinner. I am celebrating continued employment. Everyone else is just being hip by dining at the newest establishment on U St..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hottest for sure

I was expecting her to blog this, but since Special's blogging capacity is currently on the blink, I'll go ahead and do this. It is on the boy's room wall at the p-rat! Klassy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ten Years, 3 Days


We survived the anniversary weekend and all of the fun. I can't express in words the appreciation Tim and I have for all of you. We were blessed to have friends from Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Toronto, family from Ohio, and our DC family from all parts of the city and surrounding area attend the party. Hugs and Kisses to Randy (AKA Rita Jean the Cruise Director) for coordinating and hosting the party of all parties. With the help of many others, Randy pulled off a soiree that was truly classy with a "C." We missed the Ohio friends who were unable to attend, but thank them for all of the congratulatory emails, calls, cards, and text messages as we celebrated this monumental event. Can you believe the two of us have put up with each other for TEN years?

I was too overwhelmed to mobile blog and delegated the photo-taking responsibilities to my peeps. I will be gathering these photos and posting a slide show in the near future. Fortunately, I still have a job that is keeping me very busy. Unfortunately, I'm haven't had time to properly update the blog. For a complete summary of events, please visit Sister Disco's Blog where she has done a great job of documenting the weekend. Here's a picture of us to serve as a placeholder. As you can imagine, as a result of countless drinks with a healthy pour from a hottie bartender, not all of the pictures are suitable for publication! (and no...unfortunately, the bartender was NOT an anniversary present, but we did get to kiss him!)

Today, we are celebrating 10 years and 3 days. One day at a time!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Place Your Bet I'm waiting for my family and decided to join VB at the bar. You know the one. Unbelievably, there is a new web enabled juke box on the wall. We are placing bets as to (1) when it will be hooked up and (2) how long it will play before breaking.

Apparently there was a car flipped over in the tunnel on the PA turnpike (think Princess Diana) and my brothers and sister were delayed. hoping they make it in time for last call at the P-Rat.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Anniversary Weekend

The ten year anniversary weekend is here and we have an ice storm. Send good vibes to all our traveling friends that they arrive in one piece. Fortunately it should change to rain by this afternoon.

This picture sums up what we need for a fantastic weekend. That's Rita Jean on the right and Vergie Bridges on the left (near the brown liquor bottle.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

News4 at 5

Our peeps were on tonight's channel 4 news talking about food prices. I have it on DVR and will save it for all to see at some house party. Couldn't find a podcast of tonight's news to link to, (I'm working on it,) but here's the transcript:

Rita Jean: (With a look of shock and amazement) "The milk is up. I'm paying almost three dollars for a half a gallon now and that is a little pricey."

Tasty T: (With a bourgeois smile) "I have noticed the difference in dairy products, and as well bread, alas, that's things we need, so we still have to buy them."

Watch the video by clicking here!

Dine Out!!!

Click here for all the details and participating restaurants! Go out to eat on March 6 (you do this anyways) and a portion of the check goes to Food & Friends!

Band of the day...

I don't exactly know what to say about this video...I'm thinking this might be one of Dancin's cousins? They performed at DC9 last week. I'm bummed that I missed the chance to rub elbows with such greatness. After you watch the movie, check out her website, and click her pic to the left for a special treat.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dirty Moon

Although the moon itself and the peeps mocking it are funny, the homeless beggars asking us what we are looking at (they don't have CNN) are hilarious. Here are all the people watching the dirty moon.

Full eclipse

When it all aligns...this is what u see....(somehow I thought it would be darker)

burnt out my eye

I hope I didn't burn out my eyes looking at this. Rita says when it goes black we should sing happy birthday to "bosox."


The boys are having fun at D.I.K. Bar with Jake. Our hottie bartender might have flirted with the straight boy and enabled us. Who can say? What time does trivia start? We'll be there...eventually.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Jason Drinks

No, not the Jason the District, Jason Dottley. Check out this recent clip from TMZ. I still can't wait for his new Sordid Lives series this fall on Logo. There's an iPhone preview of the trailer sort of previewed in the clip.

They're off!

We sent the Steamers on their way after a quick breakfast. It was good to see them off after lasting for a half a sandwich and a swig of beer last night before returning home to my throne. Fortunately I'm finally feeling better this AM.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


That might not be a word, but it is how I feel. I am either actually feeling better after two doses of Kaopectate (it says to repeat every 30 mins) or I have psychologically controlled my viral stomach. I hear the brunch party has now grown to nearly 20 peeps and I'm tired of being home alone. Do you think anyone will judge me if I bring the bottle to the bar? Surely I'm not contagious? I never get sick...I don't know how this works.

Dating Service Video

Sick Time

My friends are all having a fab brunch and copious amounts of Champaign. Check out their progress as documented by Sister Disco and BKDM of Boston Steamer. I have nothing to do but lay here and hunt for interesting things on the web. This is all I can come up with. I am fairly certain BoSox Siobhan will appreciate this YouTube clip.

"She" is actually doing an interpretation of Flash - La Prohibida which is pretty bad in its original format.

Timmy is going to get me some stomach drugs so I can hopefully get a hall pass from bathroom duty and join friends for a casual dinner at Stonies. In the meantime, I finally found something unrelated, but much better on the interweb which you should click to (and then scroll down) after watching this YouTube clip.

The District is Down

My stomach hurt yesterday. I thought it was just a minor issue so I joined the party train. Fortunately I only had a few drinks all afternoon and evening (4 to be exact.) Now that I've been awake all night, I'm fairly certain I will be on lockdown today. No Sunday Funday :-( What a horrible way to spend a holiday weekend with friends in town.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Going Green!

Well there wasn't a taxi close so drunkies ridin' the bus to Mattie's party! (as if playing Big Buck Hunter wasn't tragic enough.)

Editor's Note: This was a popular event. See alternate versions at Timmy Cam an Boston Steamer.

House Stop 1

We met the steamers at Irish Times and now we're doing shots while they drop off the luggages. Best get to Solly's soon!

When you eat, you're just a vacuum with nipples

I'm just waiting for the Boston Steamers to arrive (God that sounds awful.) In my mindless state, I found this video, posted by Kevin F on Big Gay Al's Facebook page. Worth watching.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Weekend Preparation

My Boston Peeps are rolling (literally) into town on a train tomorrow afternoon. I don't need to tell the whole story because Chimney Fall Cat has taken care of that. In the style of Bosox Sioban, I am ready! I have my new camera for full resolution documentation and my new phone for blogging on the fly - ready to document the falling chimneys. Look out DC.

A big thanks to Chimney Fall Cat for taking the plunge a few months back and buying this same Sony T2. I love my Canon Powershots, and have had three generations of them, but the latest one is wearing out and the Sony has superior photo quality in bar lighting. I know...such is the backdrop of many photos by the District. Now there will be even more!

And yes. I am back to a PDA...I didn't blog about that in detail, but with the employment extension, I must be connected 24/7. I just bought that other fancy phone so now I have a fancy backup if this one dies. I should say again because the first one (2 weeks ago) already imploded. After 2 hours at the Verizon store, it was replaced this morning.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Smell of Love

It isn't what you think. Actually, Dags has been MIA and her lovely boyfriend, Mary, sent her a bouquet of Valentines flowers. She's been hiding in his suburban love nest this week. I thought I'd post a pic so she can see what she is missing. They smell amazing. I can't tell you what the card says (you'd gag) but I can tell you it is super dreamy sweet. (sigh)

This gives me another opportunity to bash Dag's flowers were supposed to be delivered on Saturday, when she was home; they came two days late. Last fall, I ordered funeral flowers and they were not delivered. I had to escalate to a supervisor to get my money back because they couldn't understand why I wouldn't accept late delivery FOR A FUNERAL. Hello, unless they were able to send them directly to Jesus' address, I think it was a little late.

Timmy and I aren't doing flowers or dinner this year. Instead we are going shoe shopping on Valentines Day! If there's a good deal, I may buy a new camera since my beloved Canon is having technical difficulties. Perhaps it has something to do with the gazillion pictures I take.

Voting Day

I voted this morning before work. It was busy at the polling place, but didn't take long. I think Timmy may have cancelled my vote since we left the apartment with different preferred candidates.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Leaving NYC

This pic was actually taken while I was piloting the truck through Times Square, but I obviously couldn't blog at that moment. Rita and I have boarded the Washington Deluxe (aka Intern) Bus and are headed back to reality. Was great to see the NY peeps and hang out in the big city. Totally need to do it more often.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


google this!

This man picked us up and claimed to be the Matchmaker Cabbie. We didn't believe him until we got home and googled him. Turns out he is! Read the Wall Street Journal article here.


Had a great time with Nancy after meeting up at Grand Central. I think we drank the Irish Pub out of margaritas. Had din din with Roger, Tony, and Glitter Girl at a fun little place and now we're headed to the West Village for drinks with Kevin. Found a 'cute' little place in Chelsea (pictured) where Rita wanted to stop for accessories. I stopped her.

Fashion Week

The tents of Bryant Park are up for fashion week. Makes me silly happy. Wish we could have made a connection and caught a glimpse of our PR peeps.


I know "lost" is a show, but I found the Martha Stewart show headquarters. Rita took a cab and I'm walking. We are calling each other and neither know which direction to walk. Where is fucking jane when we need her? I called Timmy too, but what good is he in DC. (he was not amused) Thank God it is NYC and there are people everywhere so neither Rita nor I are alone despite the fact we're apart and both lost. C H I M N E Y

Rita's Crisis

Well actually, we are at Marie's Crisis. Google it...historically significant gay bar. We're just here for the drinks, not the culture.

Jym's Dad

Rita Jean hangs out with Jym's Dad at the Monster in NYC.


So...met up with Roger and Tony in Chelsea for fab times at G and a few other places. We had to stop and walk Sushi and now are rolling old school in the village at the Duplex. Bad piano lounge singer, but someone in the audience is sporting a tambourine so it somehow feels familiar. Rita Jean is giddy. We'll prolly try some classic bars for her after this. Sushi is a Shiba Inu btw. I think I see a chimney.

Friday, February 08, 2008


Moving is finished, the truck is back (only one boo boo...more about that later,) we are showered, Glitter Girl is tired, and we are all eating Thai! Decided not to go to the concert, but some after dinner cocktails are in order.

Stop 1 - Waffle House

We made it through Baltimore and are headed N on 95. This temptress led us from the motorway from some breakfast viddles. I'm having mine scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, peppered, capped, and topped. All the way baby!!!

Sleeping Pills

I can't sleep. If only I wasn't afraid of becoming addicted or ending up like Heath, I'd take a pill. Instead, my schedule is all jacked up from confusing it with late weekend nights and CA travel.

Rita, Mary, & I helped Glitter Girl unload her storage units yesterday. Two moving trucks, two pick up trucks, and two small SUVs later, she is finally out of storage. Rita drove the Goodwill truck and discovered it had this thing called a "height clearance" when trying to drive under the car sized drop off awning. Fortunately, the Goodwill guys thought it was funny (I think they were stealing all the gym equipment we dropped off) and the Budget guy (who mysteriously may have actually been a girl) didn't notice the roof when it was turned back in. Truthfully those trucks are beat to hell anyway. Wish us luck...I'm driving the other truck with ~119,000 miles on it to NYC this morning! This will be an adventure.

At Big Tom's suggestion, I've switched my Fafarazzi team to add Jillian back in since I lost Jack this week. I previously traded her after being nearly eliminated and added Christian. As much as it kills me to add in the Hair Spray Sprite, I have more faith in his abilities than Chris or Sweet P. What kind of middle aged woman goes by Sweet P anyway? I digress. My score sucked this week, but everyone else's did too because I am still in 621/6692 place. Maybe they gave up?

Time to try and sleep some more.

editor's note: Yes, it is true, Big Tom is a closeted Project Runway addict! I'm impressed with the number of people I've thrown my evil influence on to get them watching this fantastic reality show.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Welcome to Rita's

Made it back to the city and caught a bite at El Tamarindo with Tiffanie and some friends. Rita Jean posed by her new shop around the corner!


I found my home in Newport Beach!

Monday, February 04, 2008

This thing called work...

There she is, my favorite mall in the country, South Coast Plaza! Unfortunately I only have time to gaze at her from my hotel window and no shopping will be experienced on the trip. This thing called work pulled me out of bed for the first flight to Long Beach and I worked all day in our O.C. location. I'm happy that I still have a job (temporarily) but I'm saddened that it caused me to miss both Mother & Father's 50th anniversary party and Paul's service and celebration of life. Hopefully I will make it to the homeland of OH to visit those who are most important to me in the near future.

I've been going since 3:30 AM today; it is time to rest my eyes.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Two pans of home made Amish style apple dumplings for the Super Bowl parties we are going to attend this afternoon! I can't wait to cut into them.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I like turtles!

Due the unexpected sunshine and moderate temperature, Dags, Mary, Rita Jean, and I had brunch at the Florida Ave Grill and rolled up to the Zoo while Timmy does schoolwork. Fun Times!

Home (ish)

Made it back to the city and found Scotty and his girlfriends!

You know you re in VA when...

Enogh said

Poke This!

I'm at a house party in N Arlington with my boys. Feeling heterotastic!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Holla to VA

One man out! Celebrating in the VA with my good friend, Keith, on his last day at work. Having a smokin great time