Monday, June 30, 2008

Diet Club

A giant groundhog comes to Diet Club at Grandma's house. Yes, my mother and her sisters are now meeting every Monday to weigh in, bet on their physical activity for the following week, and to eat hot dogs, M&Ms, peanuts, and drink Mountain Dew. Those who live outside the area phone in their results. It is a little bizarre and even more so since they regularly have guest appearances by my uncles and other family members.

I am forbidden from discussing anything I overheard regarding their past success/failure, or who won the "Money Pot" this month. I can tell you that Grandma successfully completed her expected walking activity from the previous week. When asked where she does this walking, she described how she is a little unstable outside so she does laps in the house. Seven laps, to be specific, seven times around her kitchen table. I am not kidding. Then we ate the hot dogs around 10 PM and went home. This doesn't seem to be a very effective method of losing weight, but it was a good time!

Note: I busted my camera lens on my phone so mobile posts like this will be fuzzy going forward. For example, you might have to click the pic above to actually see Mr. Ground Hog. In case you missed it, at least my 1,000th post below came out fairly clearly.

Grandma's garden is a good cleanser to transition to a wholesome week with family.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Strippers in Columbus take it to such a new level...

POST EDIT: Seriously, they were ridiculously hot and very interactive on the stage (aka Pool Tables) While I wanted to make a big deal out of my 1,000th post, I'm not sure I want to promote this particular one. Unfortunately, when you are cocktailing and mobile blogging, these things happen. So here it is...this was officially my 1,000th post up here in insidethedistrict. Enjoy! Perhaps my 2,000th post will have more, hmmm, meat to it?

CMH after dark...tattoos and twinks! Papi like!


Actually this place isn't, but the partially working sign struck me as comical for a gay bar window.

We got half way to Bat N Rouge and were rained out. Taking shelter under the Club 185 awning while we wait for a ride to our alternate option: Club D here we come!

Mother brings another tray of treats to the table. Having a fabulous time in the garden!

Smile for Jesus

We're at it again (or still) and this is our enabler

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's a parade!

My view of parade

I am trying to pull myself up out the bed, but it is raining so my motivation is limited

Somewhere Else

Apparently this is the end of the line. All the fags and Lebisians are gathering here. Frankly i be ready for the b - e - d

Havibg fun somewhere else

Miss Ohio U S of A is on stage. Yeah say it just like that

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thank god I'm driving. Last time it was vino...this time it is 151 he smuggled in his Lopez ass.

So...Club D, James 88, Score, then back to Club D which was filled with hot mens. I Said it was time to go, got In the car, drove away, and then saw this. I DO NOT THINK THE STEMWARE IS A TO GO CUP. HOWEVER, who am i to judge. The party must go on.

Morning Run

The bad thing about arriving so late last night (or rather this morning) was that it was too late to meet up with my friends. I had a nice chat and a cold beer with Jack & James; then crashed.

The good thing about it was my early wake up time! I was able to get up, handle a few voicemails/emails, and then take a nice 5.61 mile run this AM! It wasn't supposed to be that long, but I took a shortcut and got lost by selecting a street that doesn't cross theirs. Nice work slick.

I did have a nice surprise on Gould Street when I passed the Lustron Home pictured above. I've always wanted to live in one of these and perhaps one day I will have one! Sorry the picture is bad - Apparently wiping off my phone camera lense with my drenched shirt was not very effective. Despite the profuse sweating, this sighting made the run completely worthwhile. I still want to be an architect when I grow up.

Time for a bit more work and then off to lunch with old colleagues.

Made it

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well there is certainly no need to worry about a water landing when you never take off. My 8:05 flight is finally boarded, but now we have to wait while some old man is checked for a medical emergency. While I'm not thrilled about the additional delay, I would rather he have his heart attack at the airport than on the plane. I'll get to CMH at some point I suppose. Thank god for Borders where I used my new mobile text coupon to get another Sedaris book at 25% off.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Festival of Ignorance

This is not exactly fresh off the press, but it certainly is interesting. I hate Fox News.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rock On!

Before Madonna, before Cyndi, and Before virtually every girl rocker and pop star, there was one who set the standard and paved the way. She is my idol and 30 years later she's still got it! I am in my own personal heaven right now! Rock on Pat Benatar!

RJ begged to ride a paddle monster, but I insisted on dinner in the harbor before we head to Ram's Head to see my hero.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Facebook hates me

35 and overweight?
I know the Facebook business model is based on their ability to target ads to individual users. I was not amused to log in this morning and see the above ad. Really? Seriously? They know my age, but are they now guessing my level of obesity? Not funny.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mr. Methane

I told him not to eat the fish. ,*?=0 8@= # palace !8 Wondera

Double Penetration

While i might have heard this before, and it might be the title of the dvd i got in the mail today, this Is the first time i've seen it done to a rabbit

Double Penetration

While i might have heard this before, and it might be the title of the dvd i got in the mail today, this Is the first time i've seen it done to a rabbit

Kitsy joined and we at r/ A mess

Friday, June 20, 2008

Visiting the good Dr. Moore

These are just for declarations. We are happily cocktailing at the Argonaut. It is Tom's big virgin adventure on H St.

Note to self

I am on a dinner date with Big Tom. While he may be enjoying the whole fish special at Grillfish, i have to turn away to keep that icky feeling out of my stomach. I could never eat such a thing.

It's a Small World

Sister Disco, her pocket gay, Steve, and I went on a 20.5 mile bike ride today. We rode to Georgetown and then up the trail to Bethesda where we had lunch at Mon Ami GABI, A classic French bistro. The food was delicious and I really love the menu.

Here's the small world part. Remember "Pizza in a bag" guy from Solly's? I think his name is James. He was working the patio and was our waiter. I can't find the post about him, but he was unforgettable for those of us who have seen him catch last call at Solly's.

Disclaimer: I don't consider "Pocket Gay" a derogatory term so don't think I'm stirring up shiz.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Less Young Kevin

Happy Belated Birthday Less Young Kevin (pictured here with the 'girl' we bought him.) Team Chimney Fall gathered to celebrate and to play trivia at Solly's. We didn't win, but it's really about the birthday and the charity: Food & Friends.

Boston Weekend Pics

My New Drug

Birthday Month Day 18
Smoke Free Day 22

Friends - I still owe a final summary of the last days in Boston as I wasn't a very effective mobile blogger on Monday or Tuesday. I will do that soon, but it is time to go public with my new drug.

I started Chantix approximately a month ago in hopes of quitting smoking before the dreaded thirty fifth birthday. Unlike my previous failed attempts, documented on the blog, I kept this one private. I wanted to make sure I could A) actually get through the birthday and B) make it through vacation without cheating. I am proud to say I have accomplished both with the assistance of my new drug.

Today starts the fourth week of non-smoking. I have successfully completed 21 smoke free days. After 30, I will consider myself a non-smoker, but I have many more weeks of wicked dreams and upset stomachs on these Chantix pills to keep me smoke free. It sucks, but it will be worth it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We're that gay. After a fabulous seafood lunch at Salvatore's and some cocktails on the roof at The Seaport Bar & Grill, we are taking a water taxi to the airport!

Monday, June 16, 2008

We fled the city and are lost. 

Update:  I had to remove the rest of the post because it was grossly inappropriate.  We eventually took the taxi back from Maine since I think that's where he originally took us.  After trying several exits to find Cappy's, he finally asked for the address and put it in his GPS.  Why didn't he do that first?  

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Siobhan summons the cops to find RJ. I dont think he's in this Passat.

They learned us a new breakfast cocktail at Doyles, the first bar to ever serve Sam Adams, and the place where many of their commercials are filmed. Timmy is having a Poinsetia, which is cran and champers (mix it yourself) and yes, that is a pitcher of bloody marys in the background.

Sunday Funday Boston!

Everyone had a great time yesterday, but it was quite the long day; especially for those of us from DC who got up at 4 AM. With intentions of the mandatory disco nap before clubbing, we quickly ate dinner and came back to the house. Then...we all fell out.

Clarification....Jym/RJ decided they needed a little club action and escaped somewhere around midnight while the rest of us went to bed. I can't wait to hear the stories, but of course they are still sleeping. I am ready for a boozy breakfast!

Here are two more pics of note from yesterday. RJ found Daddy Stephen (one the Pedicab drivers) and made Siobhan take a ride since she didn't get the experience earlier. I think RJ just wanted to check out his azz one more time as we literally were going less than 1 block away. He of course talked him into the scenic route.

Earlier in the day we had treats at The Green Dragon Tavern, a super old restaurant that is considered the "Headquarters of the American Revolution." Jym had to pose with their statue greeter.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fritz Street Festival

Story later. Mens everywhere. We might need a disco nap soon.

Edit: We stayed for awhile and found a random stranger to capture us on film. Blood Killer Death Man acted out and f'd with Bosox Siobhan's hat, but it's still a cute pic.

We decided to leave shortly after seeing these two women. One was digging franticly in her purse for another $4 for a beer and the other digging franticly at the coke closet, allegedly to empty herself of the beers she had already consumed. You have to appreciate a street festival with big hairy bears, little crack freaks, drag queens, and especially the hot mens with their shirts off everywhere. Fun times!

Boston Pedicab

We're on the way to find Laura.

Edit: Why we paid $50 for two pedicabs to take the five of us to the Festival is beyond me. Later, when we took a taxi returning to the exact same location, it was lest than $9.00. We do love a nice pedicab! Here are some other shots.

Community Garden Time

She says it is the only thing she wants to do in all of Boston. We are burning drinking time and risking arrest since we had to break in for a closer look.

One of our own

There she be! I had to yell to Bosox Siobhan to turn around since i was busy looking at the Manhunt boys on one of the floats in front of her.

Edit: Here are some other pics from the parade. You might ask why I'm up so early. I had a dream about the Manhunt Boys (one of them pictured left.) Bad I know, but you dress up a bunch of hot men like savage hunters and it burns an image on your eyeball.

Here's the start of the parade. We didn't walk far enough forward to see all of the Dykes on Bikes, but we did watch the entire parade!

I couldn't help capturing this woman in the building. Had she been a little closer, I could have determined whether or not Tisha was spying on the parade and on us. This chick had the same mannerisms that we observed from a distance.

I do love a nice fern.

Click here to see "Queens at Rest" as Bosox Siobhan so elegantly put it. I had no idea she had previously blogged that post. I caught these same queens "in action."

Finally, besides the Obama Pride Marchers, which I found very personally moving, this was the most socially significant entry in the parade. I don't know his name or the details, but this peaceful activist was carrying a US Flag to show his patriotism and pulling a wagon filled with memorials to and personal items from soldiers KILLED in this war to demonstrate the human lives that have been lost. I wanted to help him push his cart all the way back to Washington, DC.