Monday, March 31, 2008

Stand up James

Happy Birthday friend! If you were here, we'd be out on the streets tonight looking something like this (again!) I put up two songs for you. The first is obvious, the second is in response to your late night drunk dial to discuss the meaning of life. While it isn't 100% relevant, it is called James and I like it. I miss you friend and hope you have a great birthday! (Were you pretending to smoke in this picture?)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another day in paradise

Alternate Seating

So we arent die hard fans, but we did last a few frigid innings and then bolted after the presidents raced. The game is nearly as good on tv with a pitcher of margaritas at Alero.

Mouth Options at Nationals Park

There's a Ben's Chili Bowl, a Hard Times Cafe, and a Senators Sausages. Now I know we used to be the Senators, but... I'm just sayin'

Big scoreboard too

Where's Secrets?

Our seats are high, but the view is good. Timmy came home plastered so this has been an adventure. I went straight to the premium liquor bar and loaded up with a Goose & soda. Yes Vergie, they have Jack for 10. Fun times.

Sporty Gays

We are representing for Bosox Siobhan in the city tonight! While she may be a Redsox fan, I'm fairly certain she would enjoy attending the very first game in the new Nationals Stadium. Tomorrow is the official "Inaugural" game, but tonight is an exhibition game against the Orioles. A "soft opening" if you will. It is, however, the FIRST game! These tickets were a free gift from one of Timmy's regular customers.

I've been mobile blogging challenged this week due to my new Blackberry that is without camera. Have no fear! My new phone number was processed and I moved my regular cell number back to the Samsung. That was the first of my four new phones in the last two months. I think my mobile voice and data situation is now sorted out and I'm back in business!

The District Runs

Have you seen the Google home page today? Well done. Usually they change the logo to match the day, holiday, season, etc. Today, they changed something else for Earth Hour.

I haven't blogged about my fitness endeavors in a long time because I have historically failed. I've decided to push the limits a bit and start training for a 1/2 marathon again. To force myself, I'm putting my training history right out there for all to see and judge. I did well in Sept/Oct/Nov, but Dec/Jan were very light on the fitness and it just didn't happen at all in February. I'm back on the wagon and hope to ride it all the way into summer.

To stay on track for the 1/2 marathon, I have to do six miles today. This is pushing it, but I'm going to try. If successful, I will register this afternoon. If not, I'll throw in the towel, but still try to stay on this fitness wagon. Click to see today's long run.

**UPDATE** I did it! My pace sucked (11:46/mile) but I made it. Now the flights are super expensive to Nashville so I'm not sure if that's the right half marathon to pick after all. Stay tuned.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Irish Tranny Hookers

Got your attention didn't it? Big Tom suggested to our hockey blogging, straight, Actor friend that his play, "Last Days of the Killone Players," might have had more than 6 people in the audience on a Thursday night if it had a title like, "Irish Tranny Hookers." Priceless. Oh yes, five of the six people were U Street Chimney's (I include Big T as an honorary U Streeter at this point.)

Regardless what you call it, I'm happy all the characters were poor and scorned, but our friend played "progress" manifested in a well dressed wealthy business man. He had his own issues, mind you, but at least the writer differentiated him from the others.

If you have time, I recommend seeing the play. It will end on April 5, so HURRY to Shirlington!

( This graphic, by the way, might be my favorite street sign ever. Apparently the town, wherever it is, thinks hookers work in Scion Xbs? I love Google photo search! )

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kiss Me!

I love Dolce & Gabbana. Their ads make me (a) smile and (b) want to spend a gagillion dollars on more of their products. Check out the various versions and other ads that are recommended after this one plays.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Boston Gay Pride

It's official! We've booked our flights to Boston for Gay Pride. We're not exactly Pride celebration groupies, but this is a perfect opportunity to visit BKDM & Bosox Siobhan and it is my birthday weekend. We'll be there Saturday - Tuesday (June 14-17) Flights are cheap right now on Delta ($127 round trip out of BWI) if any of the peeps want to join us. RJ has already booked her flight too! Let's take the Chimney north!

One more thing...Bosox Siobhan will be the head facilitator (Grand Diva?) for her company's Pride Parade participation. I guess she gets "recruiting" credit for bringing the gays up from DC.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The District is in The District

We are safely home! Sounds like we missed the attack of the killer Easter basket over at the Chimneyfall household!

Ready for a long work week!

Final Stop

Here's Jeffrey making mashed taters! We made our final stop in Bergholz, OH where a traditional Easter dinner filled our bellies. We couldn't blog until now because there is no cell service in the hills. Headed home!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

We picked up Whitney this afternoon and went to my parent's house. With Mom laid up, (see below) we agreed to make dinner; Whitney will be with her Mom on Easter, so we celebrated tonight. Timmy made his famous beef Enchiladas with original meat. I made refried beans and sweat corn tomalito. Whitney baked and decorated a cake. We've never had a Mexican Easter Dinner so it was an adventure. When RJ didn't have a recipe I needed, I knew it best to call the most Mexican person I know. A big thanks to Sister Disco for having her Chevy's cookbook handy to quickly provide the Tomalito recipe. It was a giant hit!

Timmy was shocked that Rodhe's IGA Super Center had Masa. With all the illegal aliens working the farms around here, Rodhe's apparently has catered to their shopping needs. According to my daughter, "...they have more Mexican food items than the Super Wal-Mart. This is quite shocking." We closed the evening with a fun egg coloring session! Baby Lisa brought the eggs and supplies!

Here's a little pic of my Mom and her fancy purple cast. I think this may have been a life changing experience. While rummaging through her new refrigerator for the missing components of our recipes, I found a quite unusual pain killer. Keep in mind this is a holy household. I've heard my mother & father each curse once in my lifetime. I've never heard them have a serious argument with each other. These conservative Christians believe drinking, smoking, dancing, gambling, and basically anything, other than going to church, can be damaging to eternal life.

Yes friends, click the pic and you'll see my Mother's Christian fridge is home to a half empty bottle of Sutter Home White Zinfandel. I'm certain Dags wasn't there because it only cost $4.75 (regular price.) Would she even gargle with something of that caliber? I was afraid to ask so I assume Mom is just taking the edge off?


She ate her apple bottom pie and the burger with the cheese, rollin through the hills, steering with her knees. Timmy said no, roads have the snow, but she just go go go go...

Yeah, I'll stop now. We're headed North to get Whitney!


Just so you know we are safely blogging from our bedroom at D & K's house. I am about to fall off this chair and go to bed.

However, I am going to tell you that Ron, a really interesting guy we just met, bought the Exile. It used to be the place one could go to get thrashed on the "X." I might have had my turn there with Elena holding the whip....yes, I know a straight was all in fun! Other interesting things might have happened there back in the day, (jk....I sound like an old man) but it was a fun place nonetheless.

I digress.

I told the owner, Ron, that he should have a patrons with shirts off drink specials (think Green Lantern.) Apparently, in CMH, it's illegal to have impromptu drink specials, but he could buy a drink for peoples that do. I happened. My PDA is jacked up again so if no posting here, we might switch over to TimmyCam

Thank I'm going to bed, but was fun!!!! HoLLA

I might be bad

I don't know how this happened.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I hope it isn't the same kind of bar it was when we left; I don't feel like peeing on anyone. The party is moving on!

Surprise for us !!!

We were a bit sad that few of our Ohio friends could make it to the DC anniversary party. What we didn't know was that a surprise party in our honor would be thrown at Club D. We are infinitely grateful, unworthy, and obviously having fun. A great deal of fun!!!!

The twins!

Kylie and Madison play with Wrinkles. Maya is lurking in the background. We'll be headed north after visiting here.


Chillin' with Buddy! This is Timmy's Mom and Dad's lil protector!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quarter Bag

We got a bag of Kentucky Home Grown Red! is not what you think. Marnie grew this variety pack of red peppers last summer in her back yard. This yard, by the way, has been offered up as a DC peeps road trip destination. The grand house that comes with it sleeps 20!

The Life

This is what we miss about a back yard. Our friends Marnie and Ken (pictured here) are grilling up some fantastic eats in Northen Kentucky! Catching up on a few years of missed face time.

Weekly Stats

Ms. History, this is for you. Following up on our conversation, here's the blog activity from last week. Yes, I'm shocked too that anyone wants to read this crap!

Weekly Stats Report
: 10 Mar - 16 Mar 2008
Project: Inside The District

Pageloads1515103128 251814220
Unique Visitors121151816 17139213
First Time Visitors14279 33294
Returning Visitors1173117 1410639

Family Quilt

We safely arrived in Harrison, OH, the city just outside of Cincy where Timmy grew up. First stop, as always, was Skyline Chili for lunch with Mom & Dad. Peeps at home will be happy to know we actually remembered to purchase the canned chili to go. The next movie night will have some serious Cincy style dip!

The lovely photos you are viewing are a new part of our family history. Aunt Phyllis apparently decided to make a quilt for Butch & Cynthia. On it are squares for each of their children and grandchildren. Whitney and I even got one. I was impressed! It's not exactly something I'd have in my house, but God bless Mother Cynthia for loving it. Of course, it is too nice to use, so she's going to store it in the spare bedroom.

We'll spend the rest of the afternoon here and then head down to Kentucky where we'll be dining with Marnie & Ken at their new house! to us. They've been in it for several years, but we've been unable to squeeze in a visit with our limited trips to Cincy.

News Report: Flood

There is flooding in Ohio. The Eastbound lanes of route 70 are forced into one lane driving on the inside berm as the rest of the road is covered. Anderson Cooper, I am not, but I can bring you the news!

This may actually be a little more newsworthy. You'll probably have to click the picture to see it, but according to this sign we found a little further down the road, "HELL IS REAL." Just so you know.

Tank You

...I mean thank you Pittsburgh friends for another fantastic time in the Burgh. We're well on our way into Ohio and headed towards Cinceitsnasty.

Aint no Spicy Bite

Actually it aint nothing because they were out of buns so we avoided the dogs all together. We settled for jalapeno pepper beef steak burritos (microwavable) from the ready-to-heat fridge.

This is a bar code

Apparently at the fine dining Sunoco, they have to educate the customers how to scan their food through the bullet proof glass. Fun Times!!!

Keebler Elves

That's what I think we look like. Just after ordering the last drink we thought our bodies would handle, the owner walks in and buys us a round. Yes (I'm sure you'll be shocked) we ventured downtown and the bar owner knows us. Well he knows Billyboy and remembered us. He always buys us drinks....sometimes the whole tab! I love Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Team Rick

We had an adventurous 4.5 hour drive through torrential rains and wicked winds, but we made it to Pittsburgh circa 8. A short visit at the newly merged house and we headed off to 900 Western (FKA True Café & Bartini.)

Girl (AKA Adriane) joined us and has become a member of Team Rick. We don't (didn't) know him, but apparently if you take his drink suggestion and accept his gift of a candy ring, you get a "Team Rick" button. I wonder if the ring is habit forming? RJ might want to know.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Moze Art

I think most of you have seen my profile picture on here and may have recognized the painting, "Second Hand Smoke," in the background. I purchased this from my very good friend, Moze, when he picked up and took his life to the lovely city of Pittsburgh. If you'd like to see the whole thing, and several of his other works, click over to Moze Art. (Gallery 2, Page 2, Painting 3)

Our other piece, "Incision Becomes Her," is not featured on his website, but you can get a good glimpse of the work he does. I recommend his fine paintings all day and night! He also does great custom work if you need something fresh for your home!

We are looking forward to our Easter Road Trip that starts tomorrow with Pittsburgh. Hopefully we'll get to see Moze live! I'm quite certain there will be some mobile blogging over the next several days!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

rj just came

i'm not sure how to conjugate that....what's the past tense of cum? so timmy just left with lissa to somewhere quiet and the rock stars are still pushing the limits of gazillions of cocktails. rj is still at the front of the stage, but i've shifted to the edge. so many hot little time (jk) I just ran into Anthonia. The bartender knows me and is hooking me up. How does (and why does) this always happen? I'm sweating. Dancing might be part of it, but my BAC level at 300 percent of normal may be contributing. I know I know...most people would die at 30 percent of my regular BAC

Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's on

We might have been accidentally on purpose drinking all day. Now we are on the dance floor (front and center) waiting for Kristine W to come on. I say train, you say?

guess who!

she has an extra one on her coat....just in case

make daddy another drink

Friday, March 14, 2008

Two More Nights

Thank God I'm feeling better so I'll be able to participate in the last two nights of RJ's birthday week, 2008. We're doing Town Danceboutique to see Jason Walker and Kristine W and maybe Blowoff on Saturday to finish off the weekend. Interested in riding out the adventure? You know how to find us!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The District hearts Anderson Cooper

I was in bed all day recovering from this flu. I did take some time to play on the interweb. I think several of my friends, especially Bosox Siohban, will appreciate what I found.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


I've not taken V out for a ride in awhile and try to every month or so in the winter. It was far too cold to roll down to Alexandria on 395, but the draw of the Smart dealership made it worthwhile. I so want one of these!


It is no secret that I became a big fan of Apple in the past year. I love my MacBook and my iPod Touch. The cutie Apple guy talked (maybe winked) me into all of the accessories for Apple's version of a home wireless network, and every cable, case, application, and adapter I could ever possibly need in life. My new camera is a Sony because Apple doesn't sell them, but it is white to properly coordinate. I drool at the AT&T store over the iPhone, but can't justify a phone in that price range for personal purposes when I have a perfectly good PDA that does virtually all of the same things.

Subsequently, it will be no surprise that I get a kick out of the recently formed iBand. Check out their first video below or click on their name to link to their full website. Don't get me wrong - it isn't magnificently refined, but it is fun. Thanks to the Pop Vulture section of today's Washington Post for identifying them!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

My Reality

I made it safely back to the East Coast and was only delayed about 10 minutes by the weather. What exactly was I thinking last night? It certainly made for a rough travel day, but I managed to meet some friends for dinner and just finished catching up on my DVR'd reality shows.

Project Runway: Jillian needed to narrow down her concept and show how it would work on a wider variety of clothing types. I like Christian, but Rami had a significantly more comprehensive collection. His talent will translate to a retail environment and will have longevity. Beyond the obligatory celebrity appearances as the season 4 winner, Christian will sell a few hot looks to the likes of Victoria B and then will disappear until he matures as a designer and as a human being.

Make Me a Supermodel: My boys, Ronnie and Ben, are on the chopping block again, but oh my lord...their make out scene = HOT. I need Ben to step it up a notch and embrace this career aspiration of being a model or I'll have to remove him from my top two. His own gay soul is hidden behind his own homophobia - if he could figure that out, he'd slip comfortably into his own skin and win this thing.

Say a prayer for my Momma. She slid down the snow covered hill behind her house and broke her foot in two places today. Timmy quickly surmised it was one of the metatarsal and one of the tarsal bones based on the description she gave. I guess this is what I signed up for eh? Let's just say she broke her foot.

I'm going to bed now. Did you see that make out scene between Ronnie and Ben?

Friday, March 07, 2008

She's Back

Esteban's Mom decided she needed a margarita before she took him home so she brought him BACK to the bar after bitching at him for drinking, picking him up, and leaving. I have no words for this scenario. HILARIOUS. I tried to discreetly capture the moment.

Fun Times

came out for (another) smoke...don't think I've ever blogged the sign here! is actually better than the Pollys Café. My new friend, Esteban, who despite my adamant rejection )I mean I even flashed the jewelries) keeps trying to flirt with me. He just had to leave (we were all relieved) because his mother (biological) just came to collect him.

Some guy also just walked in bitching because he's from a 'better' neighborhood than this and his parents' connections in this place (didn't know Costa Mesa was so bad) won't be able to get him
out of the ticket he just got on Bristol. Point of reference: There was just a major accident in front of the bar where ambulances carted peoples away after being t-boned in an intersection and he thought it was ok to drive through the flares and closed street because he left his Dad's credit card at the restaurant on the other side of the accident. Go Go OC stupid rich kid fuckers. I might buy this one another drink because it is hilarious. (he doesn't need me or anyone else to buy him one because the police allowed him to proceed after the ticket to the restaurant to get the card AND return through the accident scene to this bar.) What?

Oh yeah...

That is the tv playing HSN in the background....Cat would be proud....

stick with what you know...

There were only 20 people at the 'Friction' party so I'm back at Tin Lizzie (aka Costa Mesa's Polly's) which is a good thing because I alerted my new friends to the horrid party conditions and I can walk to my hotel from here. No need to crash the Focus when I lose mine. Yes, Hertz failed me. I didn't get the customary upgrade....stuck in a shitbox rental 'car.'


Fun times in the OC! After 4 productive work days, it is time to indulge. Had dinner with work friends at the Agora Churrascaria, a few drinks at Tin Lizzie, and now I've ended up at the Vegas Lounge. 'O'llegedly the Only OC gay place to be on Thursday where I'm meeting my new Tin Lizzie friends Josh & John & their posse. One of those 'alternative' party nights at a straight place I hear. Thank God there is a time change this weekend to help with the jet lag because I'm just getting used to these West Coast hours. Missin' my DC peeps, but I'll be home tomorrow night!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Max & Ermas!

Heading out to the OC for work this week. Check out the new dining option at IAD!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

the end

what a f'n fun day


We fell into a lice music place....might b fun



Block that b=+@&$

Not sure why I'm concerned about language, but we be at a place with good hot sauce and grilled cheese. not eatiing just drinking. i'm sure you (whoever you are) are shocked.