Friday, March 07, 2008

Fun Times

came out for (another) smoke...don't think I've ever blogged the sign here! is actually better than the Pollys Café. My new friend, Esteban, who despite my adamant rejection )I mean I even flashed the jewelries) keeps trying to flirt with me. He just had to leave (we were all relieved) because his mother (biological) just came to collect him.

Some guy also just walked in bitching because he's from a 'better' neighborhood than this and his parents' connections in this place (didn't know Costa Mesa was so bad) won't be able to get him
out of the ticket he just got on Bristol. Point of reference: There was just a major accident in front of the bar where ambulances carted peoples away after being t-boned in an intersection and he thought it was ok to drive through the flares and closed street because he left his Dad's credit card at the restaurant on the other side of the accident. Go Go OC stupid rich kid fuckers. I might buy this one another drink because it is hilarious. (he doesn't need me or anyone else to buy him one because the police allowed him to proceed after the ticket to the restaurant to get the card AND return through the accident scene to this bar.) What?

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