Friday, March 28, 2008

Irish Tranny Hookers

Got your attention didn't it? Big Tom suggested to our hockey blogging, straight, Actor friend that his play, "Last Days of the Killone Players," might have had more than 6 people in the audience on a Thursday night if it had a title like, "Irish Tranny Hookers." Priceless. Oh yes, five of the six people were U Street Chimney's (I include Big T as an honorary U Streeter at this point.)

Regardless what you call it, I'm happy all the characters were poor and scorned, but our friend played "progress" manifested in a well dressed wealthy business man. He had his own issues, mind you, but at least the writer differentiated him from the others.

If you have time, I recommend seeing the play. It will end on April 5, so HURRY to Shirlington!

( This graphic, by the way, might be my favorite street sign ever. Apparently the town, wherever it is, thinks hookers work in Scion Xbs? I love Google photo search! )


BigTDog said...

Thanks for including me as an honorary U Streeter. There may be no "I" in "Team", but "U" makes a "Drunk"

Not to pick nits, but I think we were 6 of 7 in the crowd (RJ, District, HBed, Chimney Fall 1 and Chimney Fall 2 (collectively, "The Chimney Falls"), and me) -- excluded, the man who might be Rambow.

Bravo and Kudos to Special K. He did a wonderful job. And I too recommend the play. I really enjoyed it.

PS: I love the nuance of including the rubbers in the "No Hooking" sign...a little disturbing that the SUV in the sign has a striking resemblance to my new whip.

Vespa Jay said...

I must have forgotten to count myself. Thanks for validating the audience was much larger than I thought.