Saturday, March 29, 2008

The District Runs

Have you seen the Google home page today? Well done. Usually they change the logo to match the day, holiday, season, etc. Today, they changed something else for Earth Hour.

I haven't blogged about my fitness endeavors in a long time because I have historically failed. I've decided to push the limits a bit and start training for a 1/2 marathon again. To force myself, I'm putting my training history right out there for all to see and judge. I did well in Sept/Oct/Nov, but Dec/Jan were very light on the fitness and it just didn't happen at all in February. I'm back on the wagon and hope to ride it all the way into summer.

To stay on track for the 1/2 marathon, I have to do six miles today. This is pushing it, but I'm going to try. If successful, I will register this afternoon. If not, I'll throw in the towel, but still try to stay on this fitness wagon. Click to see today's long run.

**UPDATE** I did it! My pace sucked (11:46/mile) but I made it. Now the flights are super expensive to Nashville so I'm not sure if that's the right half marathon to pick after all. Stay tuned.


Vergie Bridges said...

Very Impressive. At this point the time isn't nearly as important as the fact that you finished. I'm proud of you.

A Special Friend said...

Fantastic, friend! I know I would fall down and die if I were to attempt such a feat. I am going low goal and trying to run to Grandma P's office tommorrow (farragut...don't judge!)