Monday, June 30, 2008

Diet Club

A giant groundhog comes to Diet Club at Grandma's house. Yes, my mother and her sisters are now meeting every Monday to weigh in, bet on their physical activity for the following week, and to eat hot dogs, M&Ms, peanuts, and drink Mountain Dew. Those who live outside the area phone in their results. It is a little bizarre and even more so since they regularly have guest appearances by my uncles and other family members.

I am forbidden from discussing anything I overheard regarding their past success/failure, or who won the "Money Pot" this month. I can tell you that Grandma successfully completed her expected walking activity from the previous week. When asked where she does this walking, she described how she is a little unstable outside so she does laps in the house. Seven laps, to be specific, seven times around her kitchen table. I am not kidding. Then we ate the hot dogs around 10 PM and went home. This doesn't seem to be a very effective method of losing weight, but it was a good time!

Note: I busted my camera lens on my phone so mobile posts like this will be fuzzy going forward. For example, you might have to click the pic above to actually see Mr. Ground Hog. In case you missed it, at least my 1,000th post below came out fairly clearly.

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