Friday, May 05, 2006

Long Days

This might have been the longest week in my entire life.  Every minute stretches to an hour, but somehow I'm not being very efficient in getting things accomplished with this extra time.  I've not fallen behind, but I'm certainly not winning any races either.  I have now made it five days and four+ hours with no smokey treats.  I'm very proud of myself - It assures me that I am the person that I want to be.  I am powerful.  I am confident.  I am strong.  I am in control.  (I am about to break into a Helen Reddy song).

Enough of that.

About two more hours of work to go and then we'll see if anyone interesting is on the Metro tonight.  I wanted to come in on the G-Ride, but it is supposed to rain and Hoo Haa is still in the shop getting her a/c fixed.  I still don't know if it was broken or if it ever worked since she joined the family last winter when cold air wasn't necessary.  Either way, warranty work is free so it doesn't bother me.  She's been done for days, but I haven't gone out to pick her up;  She's probably missing me, but can't be too out of place with all her sisters camping out at the dealership.  Regardless, I took the Metro like a good environmentally conscious commuter.  I think I saw the hot cop this morning too, but was in too much of a hurry to do a drive by to the other side of the platform.  That's so shallow…I'm powerful and shallow in the same post.  Go ahead…judge if you want to.

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