My dear friend, Toya, packed up and headed out for a quick stop in Oregon and then off to Central & South America till December. I'd love to be such a globe trotter, but I'd like to have someone carry some of my things. Surprisingly, her gear is much lighter and more comfortable than it looks. Safe travels friend! Your room is ready when you return.
On a separate note, you'll never guess what color cast I went with! It isn't pink like Whitney wanted...I chose my favorite color and upgraded to waterproof so I can swim in the river this weekend!
On another separate note, I quit smoking on May 27 so this is officially 3 calendar months today! I stopped counting long ago, but it is also 92 days. Didn't think I'd make it.
Let's dunk the purple dinosaur and see how it comes up for air!!
first off, this hillary-love was just very impressed by your man obama...AND the democratic party. i'm excited to move forward with him as our candidate. (still love her of course) ;)
second, so i just caught up on life insidethedistrict, but i STILL don't know how the hell you brok your...HAND...and now have a screw.
third, Congrats on the smoking! you're a better man than i and i hope to join you some day on that pass. KUDOS to you.
Fourth, miss you! and everyone else xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo are you around this weekend? i may make an appearance.
U Street will be empty this weekend friend!
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