Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy 50th Birthday Ben's Chili Bowl

It stinks that I am on my way to surgery and it stinks that Bosox Siobhan fell ill and had to cancel her trip, but I don't believe we missed much at the Ben's Chili Bowl Street Festival. It looks like there were a few bouncy things for kids, some hip hop dancing in the street, and the line for food literally crossed out of the restaurant to the South side of the street up past where the Metro escalators are. It's nobody's fun to stand in that line in the heat. I didn't even enjoy walking through it to take a brief look. I did enjoy the switch to the "Electric Slide" by the DJ followed by his announcement that the National Anthem would be next. They sure know how to mix it up.

Sadly, the Ben's II (Bar) didn't hit completion prior to this celebratory weekend. Perhaps it will be operational when Bosox Siobhan reschedules her trip! (hmmm...there's an excuse for a visit!) Hope you're feeling better soon friend.

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