Monday, November 12, 2007

A thousand words

This picture should have been posted yesterday. I'll answer the question: Yes. Click for the question.

You know it was a good Sunday Funday if I only mobile blogged once...was having too much fun and I forgot. Of note is the fact that straight Tom was hit on more than any of the gay boys and even got a number...of course when asked why he accepted it, he simply stated that he was, "...trying to work a free drink." A man after my own heart!

We went to a few local spots and then I made the intelligent decision to go to an after hours event. I am too old and too fat to be up in nightclub filled with sweaty muscled gay boys at 4 A.M. drinking Red Bull. It was fun though. Thank god I pre-scheduled today off work.

Was great to see David. We had a nice lunch at Busboys & Poets then went shopping in the neighborhood (Pulp, Go Mama Go, Home Rule, etc.) He's now off to the airport. I'm exhausted and going to bed early. No Solly's vs. Duffy's kickball game for me tonight. Fun times this weekend!

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