Monday, November 05, 2007

T Day

T is for Turkey Day - It's my turn, but it sounds like the princess wants to go to her "other" Grandma's house. This makes me very sad, but I guess that's what happens when teenagers get an attitude of independence. Regardless if she'll join me or not, I'll be there to see my family. It is truly amazing how one day I have a sweet little child who can't get enough time with her Dad and the next day I have a teenager who sees no value in spending time with family. She has no clue how these actions drive daggers into my soul.

T is for Tattoo Day - Tomorrow at this time I'll be under the needles. I have to admit that I'm scared to death. Considering the dentist has to revive me from passing out after a shot to numb my mouth for dental work, this could be an adventure in madness and insanity. Let's just hope Grant Cobb at Tattoo Paradise does a good job. His portfolio is amazing and I can't wait to see the custom piece he's been working on for me. I'll just focus on Erica and trust that she'll be there in spirit to get me through the pain. This one is for you dear friend.

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