Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Britney, All Night Booze, and Pain

Laugh if you wish, but I would like to see Britney Spears on tour. Unfortunately, we'll be on vacation in South America when she's in this part of the country, and I can't justify flying somewhere to see her. Bummer. To see if she'll be coming to a city near you, head on over to BritneySpears.com! Apparently, typing "IheartBrit" into the special offers box will allow you to purchase presale tickets through 12/5 at 10 PM. (BTW...Happy 27th Birthday Britney!)

Thanks to Kevin for posting this article from the Examiner. I'm not sure why he's reading that paper, but this is interesting information that could spell death for all of us during inauguration week. It is gonna be fun!
"...A measure put forth today by D.C. Councilman Jim Graham - who represents the party-friendly Adams Morgan neighborhood - would allow bars and restaurants licensed to serve alcohol to keep pouring until 5 a.m., and to keep doors open 24-hours per day between Jan. 17 and Jan. 21..."
Now back to sleep. I had such serious pains in my chest that I nearly went to urgent care last night. With Nurse-in-training Timmy's assurance that it wasn't my ticker and I wasn't dying, I waited until this morning. The doctor tells me it is likely pneumonia. Since I am able to breathe, a treatment on a machine, some antibiotics, an expectorant, and some ibuprofen should do the trick. He didn't think an x-ray was necessary because the anti-biotics will get it regardless what kind of nasty infection it is. I guess with the bloody phlegm and severe pain, it is beyond the common cold or flu which I've been suffering for a week.

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