Monday, December 08, 2008

Anticipating Toya!

Toya left for mad adventures in Central and South America back in August. I can't believe she's been gone so long, but she is scheduled to return 'home' tonight! This was her final going away pic as we documented her trudging down 11th Street with enough gear to last her 3+ mos. in the wild. I don't know how she did it! I'm anxious to hear what is next on her global agenda!

We're excited to have her stay with us over the holidays. Thankfully, we had time to clean the house from top to bottom over the last few days in preparation for her arrival. I guess being on sickness lockdown does have some nice side effects. No money rolled out the door this weekend and the house is sparkly. There are only a few more things to do after work today and it will be finished!

Unfortunately, we did make the painful decision to forgo holiday decorations this year. With all the pending travel, and the hassle to get them out of storage, it just doesn't make sense. Thankfully, Steve & Lisa have offered to let me 'share' their tree during our visit as long as I bring along at least one ornament. Done and done.

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