Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Smartbike is coming to DC! Last weekend I noticed the unusual rack that was recently installed outside the Reeves Center and I suspected it was a bike share rack. The concept is somewhat similar to the Zipcar concept; you take a bike and use it only when you need one. They provide the maintenance and the storage. The SmartbikeDC website shows how it works in detail and it appears an annual subscription is only $39.99 for use in blocks of up to three hours (they charge a $200 penalty if the bike isn't returned in 48 hours.)

According to the DCist article, "Bike Sharing Programs to Abound in DC," they will be fully operational by May. I clicked around to some other pics and sites and it appears they will not have a one time use rental option. We saw a similar concept in some other city on our travels and thought it quite a fantastic option. This would be very useful for tourists. Perhaps we'll have to go together with our peeps for a community membership to be used when any of us have friends in town that want to join in on a fun ride. It would be great to let Mo lead a little tourist adventure with all the bike friendly street and trail options in DC. I also found this nifty Bicycle Map on the District Dept of Transportation website.

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