Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reel Affirmations

I should have titled this post, "Naked Boys Singing" since that is the film we watched and that would be a more attention grabbing name! Today was the opening night of the 2007 Reel Affirmations festival. This is DC's international GLBT film festival, and generally shows some great films. Unfortunately this year I will be leaving tomorrow and missing most of it. The film was great, but essentially a flashy remake of the show. I expected it to be more of a documentary of sorts showing the challenges and successes of putting such a show together and the dynamic issues of the producers, actors, etc. Overall, it was fun and I'm glad I went, but not a great film.

The opening party was at Nellie's, free liquor, swag bag and all, but I had to leave after two quick drinks with Tim, Randy, & Brian. Ran into several people we know , but was time to pack for the Boston trip!

Oh yes, I am now 11 full days smoke free and working on the 12th! Click the links above and below for more info on the film festival or the movie.

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