Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bunker Hill

We had a few beers with breakfast and Laura wanted to watch some football. I took a stroll through Charlestown and went up to the Bunker Hill monument. Having no energy to climb the stairs, I took only a picture from the outside. The town is super cute and I captured many monuments, landmarks, views of Boston, etc.

We've just returned to their very fancy apartment to relax. I forgot to charge my phone last night (shock) so I am waiting for that to finish and then I'll go check into the hotel, settle down, and play a grown person for the rest of my time here in Boston for work.

I do enjoy this city for a visit. There is so much history here. You might ask what I recommend for those of you with a visit to Jym/Laura on your agenda? Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Despite the fact they implicate me on their blog; these folks can consume beverages and I certainly didn't have a problem joining them!

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