Friday, October 31, 2008
Peace and Love
Happy Halloween from New Orleans!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
HHR Recap
I like rusty spoons.

I enjoyed Cambell Brown's utilization of the "Obamamercial" term on her recap after the event. The Mango stopped by to watch with us and we agreed that it was a finely crafted commercial. I was marginally creeped out by the Oval Office style shots that I hope don't bring any bad vibes for my Barack. I already heard frightened right wingers refering to it as presumptive. From what I've seen, we are anything but presumptive and will campaign with vigor till the last minute.
For a lighter note, Mango turned me on to Salad Fingers. If you aren't familiar with them, you should definitely click over and take a quick look. It is SFW.
Thanks to Boston Steamer for the graphic above. It was originally posted at The Slog.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
An Extra Hour!

I was thrilled to find out Daylight Savings time ends this Sunday. This means we get a 25 hour drinking day in New Orleans instead of only 24. I have enough trouble knowing when to quit when nobody locks the door and yells, "Last Call." This will be just what we need to deepen the madness!
Looking forward to the Krewe of Boo Halloween Parade this Friday. It will certainly be a weekend where our minds won't be on the election! If we decide to go low key, our hotel is having Scary Movie Night in the courtyard. Doubting we'll make that event, but fun to know it is there.
Now if I can just get through two more work days! Have a great Wednesday peeps!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dirty Republicans #2
Apparently in Virginia, the Republicans are scared and are trying to confuse voters by telling Democrats they have to vote on November 5 instead of the 4th to ease the load on local electoral precincts. This WOULD impact the results of the election. I'm not so closed minded to think McCain printed these, but it does show there is malicious intent by dirty Republicans. I always encourage EVERYONE to vote. This is crappy, dirty, and expected.

Now, as I mentioned, I want everyone to vote. This video from CNN delivers the message:
HHR Reminder

Monday, October 27, 2008
Election Day Lockdown
Children - Watch this clip. It is very important NOT to choose lockdown on Election Day. Obama needs all of our votes. Even if you are voting for McSink our country, I want you to vote too. It is our right, our privilege, and our duty as citizens of this fine country.
We are not the enemy

My friend, Kevin, sent me this link to a photo blog of LGBT people facing harmful legislation in CA, AZ, AK, & FL. Take a moment to check out WeAreNotTheEnemy and you may even want to submit a picture of your own! Let's see if they post this one from our 10 year anniversary party. I know it is so Anti-American to be in a long term relationship; it undoubtedly threatens the fabric of our society.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Solid as Barack
Time to prepare for Sunday Funday brunch!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Cast your vote today!

Please click here and vote for my friend, Maggie. She is #113. It only takes a second but you have to use a real email address to validate the vote. Thank you!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Non Partisan Drinking

Thursday, October 23, 2008
80s for Obama
Dirty Republicans

The Republican party should be ashamed of their dirty campaign. Check out this mailer that positions the word "Terrorist" on the outside and has Obama on the inside and says, "Not Who You Think He Is." I don't know why I am so fired up about it; I had very low expectations for the Republicans and John McCain to begin with. I just didn't know they'd position themselves as such nasty racists.
He's So Smart!
Despite all the other information out there, at least we know McCain is really smart too. He graduated #894 out of 899 graduates at the Naval Academy. Yes, that's 5th from the bottom of his class. I guess that's why, "John McCain has an 18-percentage-point lead among rural voters over Barack Obama, according to a recent AP-GfK survey," according to story by Ann Sanner. They can relate to him and they can shoot a gun.
Watch this brief video to find out if McCain is a Mac or a PC guy...
Monday, October 20, 2008
No Marriage For You!

Today, CBS News' Scott Conroy wrote an article about her interview with David Brody where she said, "...I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. I wish on a federal level that that's where we would go because I don't support gay marriage" While McCain has made it clear he does NOT want a constitutional amendment to define marriage this way, we would be one heartbeat away from a president that clearly wants to discriminate against us.
I imagine by diverse, Palin means that some of her friend's sheets are from Wal-Mart while others are from K-Mart. All white, of course.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Too Freakin' Far
SNL - RapPalin
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What's wrong with this pic?
Happy Birthday Frank

Friday, October 17, 2008
Sarah Palin to appear on SNL

Joe, The Illegal?
I am sure you've heard by now...Neither Joe, nor his employer, are legally licensed in their county. To make it worse, this big successful plumbing company he wants to buy...has only 2 employees. The State of Ohio says Joe owes back taxes. Check out a full article here.
Interesting...guess we shouldn't trust people who voted for McCain in the Republican Primary to tell the WHOLE truth. I'm just sorry he's representing OSU with that sweatshirt. I'm sure he didn't actually go there and is just a poser for that too.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Leanne wins the debate!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Can I get 2 seconds?

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified. Apparently the right wing knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with YES votes. It shows them tied right now... YUCK!
The poll will be reported on PBS and picked up by mainstream media. It can influence undecided voters in swing states. Please do two things -- takes 2 seconds.
1) Click on link and vote yourself. Here's the link:
2) Then send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and
urge them to vote and pass it on. The last thing we need is PBS saying their viewers think Sarah Palin is qualified.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Drinking shots with friends and getting flirted with like an 18 yr old frat boy in a sorority at Square: good
Stripper with his pants down to his ankles, peeing in a beer bottle at Adams Street where you met your first boyfriend in 1995: bad
2 beers for Friends new and old and a premium vodka cocktail fr me: priceless
Friday, October 10, 2008
Angel Falls
I finished work around 3 PM and headed to the Angel Falls Coffee Company in the faggy Highland Square neighborhood of Akron. I have no idea how long Bubba or Jeffrey will be working and I have some reports to put together from this week's work. I assumed free wi-fi and a few cups of Joe would get me through the afternoon. I didn't realize what I'd see.
First, the windows are glass block. Odd that you can't look outside from a coffee shoppe. Second, the people are very interesting:
- A couple of Elderly Women nearly pushed my laptop off the table as they leaned over it to check out the artwork on the wall. They apologized and started a conversation about the colorful art of children.
- A man sits across from me with giant headphones, thick plastic square glasses, and an old school CD carrying case the size of a factory lunchbox. I guess no iPod for him? He's wearing a striped hooded Mexican poncho and feverishly writing in a notebook with his left hand. His Revolutionary War style military hat is cracking me up. I'd be marginally frightened if he approached me too quickly with that pen clenched in his fist.
- I had to sneak a phone pic of Victor (The man pictured above.) While he doesn't resemble Victor in the face, his body, his mannerisms, etc. are dead on. He jumps up and runs in and out of the coffee shoppe every few minutes like a schizophrenic three year old. The kicker...he doesn't have a laptop, but he brought his 24" iMac desktop and set it up at a table. He also has his ipod plugged in, a full keyboard, and is putering away. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
- Speaking of cats, the Men's bathroom is decoupaged and painted with a seascape. On one wall is a carved turtle with a cat riding on its back. The cat's collar says, "Killer." Odd.
Time to go. My new friend, Todd, from Square, just rolled through and sat down to join me. I love chatting up new friends! Have a great Friday.
What Day It Be?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Off to Cleveland

How about my pal Obama! You know, "That One." While the debate wasn't earth shattering, I continue to place him clearly as the winner in this format, despite McCain's alleged expertise in doing the town halls. I know which train I'll be on and this time it won't be a train wreck.
That train link will take you over to Knee Deep In Mud. Once again I am frightened by his post. Not the train one, the previous about his weekend, which once again resembles mine (or vice versa.) I rarely go downtown; this weekend I was there several times playing tourist with Rene, doing AIDSWalk, chasing theatre, etc. I also saw the Turkish Festival and avoided it. I also randomly decided to go to the National Portrait Gallery in Chinatown, (aka China Block.) It is in my top two DC Museums (American History is the other and it opens back up next month!)
I didn't go to Rosa Mexicana for Margaritas, but I was across the street at La Tasca for Sangria. Random. I also decided to walk since it was a nice day and passed the 'Bring your pet to church' sign at Church of the Ascension and Saint Agnes. I was also going to blog about this, but Rita Jean assured me it was a completely ordinary occurance to have a pet blessing in a church? At least this time I blogged about some of these things first so it doesn't appear that I am stalking him. I mean, despite the fact we have mutual friends, I've only met him once in real life. Yes, that was on a Friday, the Thirteenth. Hmmm.