Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hump Day

I'm not doing so well with the non-smoking thing. Yesterday and today I smoked during the day for the first time since April. I've officially fallen off the wagon. I desperately want to get back on it, but the life, family, and work drama are piling up. I am strong and weak at the same time.

There was an interesting comic strip in the paper discussing how one character kept posting and posting to his blog, yet nobody ever responded. I kinda like the fact that all this information is out here and nobody really looks at it. It is therapeutic for me to make my personal thoughts from inside my head out there, but not really public since nobody knows about them.

My daughter's first summer week had to be postponed because I have another work trip. I leave tomorrow for family, then this trip to 2 different locations. I'm stressed about rescheduling family due to work, but if one wants Burberry, one must work hard and long.

A little more personal I know why I didn't get what I wanted for my birthday - it was saved for someone else. Oh well - Karma has a tendency to bite one in the azz and I deserved it. I guess there are some serious life decisions to make eh?

Nite...time to eat my Campbell's soup that expired in 2004 (it never really goes bad I don't think) and then I'll have a cigarette.


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