Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's Counting?

I was counting my successful non-smoking days one at a time. Over the weekend, someone asked me how long ago I quit smoking and I couldn't remember the number of days without some calculation. I think this is a really good thing because I must not be focusing on it every day. I do, however, still want a cigarette every day. Hopefully I quit in time for my lungs to return to the look on the left. At the Cincinnati Bodies exhibit on Saturday, they had several depictions of sick and cancerous lungs. I really don't think that would be a good look for my insides; perhaps this is the ultimate form of interior remodeling?

Today marks EIGHT (8) WEEKS without a single cigarette!

On a separate medical note, Tim's Dad is still loopy and not making alot of sense. He remains stable.

1 comment:

BigTDog said...

Nonsense...everything goes with black