Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jesus & The Nationals

Some people affectionately refer to the Green Line as the Soul Train. When there is a game, it is the suburban feck tard line as they all line up at L'Enfant Plaza to go South. Compare the two people going North (my side) to the thousands heading towards the stadium.

I guess i shouldn't complain. The crazy fans are better company than I had this morning. Enroute to work, a sweet jolly woman made idle chatter. I thought it was nice and friendly until her true motives came out upon departure. She closed the conversation by saying, 'you seem like a good family man, would you consider this brochure to help your family achieve salvation?' I politely said no and returned to reading last week's Metro Weekly magazine.

1 comment:

A Special Friend said...

That's why you should be reading The Blade en route to work instead of the Diet Post!