Working hard to get out on time for the 17th St. High Heel Race tonight!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mansion Kitchen
Monday, October 29, 2007
The grand opening is November 5th, but we saw the candles burning and caught day one of the soft opening! It is a posh addition to the ecclectic selection of establishments on U Street; conveniently a few doors from my house! According to Iris, "Posh, but not in an ostentatious way."
Sunday, October 28, 2007
36 Hours!


Guess we'll be awhile...
We were only going 18 mph over the limit (20 is potential loss of license on the spot in Ohio and a mandatory court appearance. This just added $113 and 20 minutes to the trip. Hopefully the insurance won't be affected since it has been nearly five years since my last ticket. Definitely a bummer way to start the trip home. Tish made fun of me for blogging before I found the insurance card. Priorities.

Both Tish and Vera milked a cow, petted them, and helped feed the dairy cattle.

They took turns feeding Baby Rose, She was born on September 5th.
The even drove the skid loader! My Dad was determined to make farmers out of them both.
Oh yes - there is also video, but that will take some editing and will be up on Youtube soon enough.

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Chimney Farm

Having a good time. Watching Silence of the Lambs. Perhaps not the best choice when sleeping in a 100+ year old farmhouse.
We plan to get up early and go help Dad milk the cows.
Iron Pony
It is 'anything goes' costume night. Anything apparently means the waitress is allowed to wear a skirt so short we can see her thong. The girls aren't complaining.
Who's driving?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wrong Aid
Thanks to I R I S for throwing the story my way. Gotta love U Street!
Beat Anorexia

I'm working from home today and took a moment to blog (since I'm not ordinarily allowed to do so in the office.) Check out this pic found at "Kill The Goat." A good reminder why I shouldn't work from home and eat all day! Yes, Anorexia is bad and I am not making fun...but obeastity is bad too...
For those of you that know Glitter Girl Tiffanie, she's now a Facebooker too! Make sure you look her up and request to be her friend! Join the Facebook army today if you don't have an account! I know you are all tired of this, but I can't stop. It has sucked me in.
Have a great Friday! Back to finish my work day!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Kevin Rocks
Act III completely supported the twists and turns and made us question what really happened. What is reality? I don't think the characters even knew. Perhaps it was just a substance abuse weekend on the island and nobody died at all. Pills, powders, and syringes clearly played a role in the script. Their re-birth added to the many possible interpretations of the play - I appreciated this. The sexual, religious, and social tensions provoked thought and kept things interesting. This is a work that can be taken literally or blown out in the mind to be a variety of things. Regardless, young Kevin was a star (no shock there) and we followed the performance with a cocktail at JR's (no shock there either.)
Looking forward to seeing my baby girl this weekend.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Mansion Update
I haven't posted a Mansion update in quite some time. Check out the finished railing, lighting, final paint, flooring, etc. There are only a few things missing and move in date is now days instead of weeks away! I'm very excited to visit this weekend to see the progress. I'm in conversation with S/L about a Martin Luther King weekend invasion with all the DC Peeps...more to follow!
If you are in DC and free on Thursday at 8 PM, join us for a pay what you can performance of "Tainted Blood" by Tom Jacobson at the Church Street Theatre. Our own very accomplished actor friend Kevin is participating in the reading.
I'm on a mission to find out who had the "Heifer International" catalog sent to my house. Funny? yes, for a great charity? yes, would I have requested this myself? No. It is rather odd and I suspect my baby brother.
Have a fantastic Wednesday - I'm off to work.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy 49th Birthday to the Smurfs! They were first introduced on this day in 1958 by Peyo. You can read all about it at
Hope everyone is having a fantastic day. Mine was brutal but then I went to the gym for the first time since Boston and had a consultation with Grant at Tattoo Paradise so it was turning out a much better.
Unfortunately we received some icky news about Timmy's Dad so that kinda took me back to the brutality of the day. Going to bed early.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Troggs
Crazy enough, the band is still touring Europe. Click on this link for more details after watching the video. Think of it what you will, but my mind is distracted from reality and it makes me smile.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
M Shanghai String Band
Despite the fact I'd unlikely seek out such a performance, they were talented and I enjoyed the music. The dozen children running around, the nursing new mother, the two crack heads shaking in the corner, and the woman knitting at our table, I could do without. Iris referred to it as a flashback to 1972 West Virginia with the folksy music and the oddities of the crowd.
Check out their website or the YouTube video I snagged below. They use the word, "Chimney," in the song. We have to appreciate that! Time to rejuvenate for the work week.
Church & Sordid Lives update
If I found this church before going out last night, I might have gotten up for a valuable lesson instead of falling down. We intended to go to Nellies, but it was booked for the closing party (Reel Affirmations Film Festival) which we decided not to buy tickets for. Instead we settled on the old faithful places. Solly's then Polly's, and then Solly's again for last call out of that odd fabricated obligation we have to enter when walking past.

Regardless whether it is a good idea or not, I'm off to the Wonderland Ballroom for some Emergen-C Mimosas and brunchy foods. The DC Police alerts warn of closed streets and police activity in that area, but we are fairly certain it doesn't involve that actual corner.
If you haven't popped over to Glitter Girl Tiff to see her adventures, check out this video she posted. Take a few minutes to read her blog too. She was last spotted in Seattle.
Oh yes...and congratulate Nurse Timmy - he got an A on his English mid-term!
(shout out to Boston Steamer for locating this church - I really didn't find it on my own)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Cat at Polly's
It's almost as if he was having a conversation with the Cat...nothing is very clear about that situation.

Friends - this all happened mid day; we've just finished our disco naps and are contemplating tonight's adventures! I feel a chimney leaning. Note: These pics replaced the grainy mobile blogged photos posted earlier.

Washington Irish
Friday, October 19, 2007

I found some more stuff on the super cute Jason Dottley. Check out Mavrixonline where they have several paparazzi pics of "J-Dot." While you're there, check out the Amy Winehouse pics and commentary too.
If you looked at the Splash News article I blogged yesterday, go back and use this search for all the articles on J-Dot. Rita'll particularly like the shirts off beach workout video they posted on August 8.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Boston Video
Jason Dottley
I did a little research - check these out:
MySpace - The Sordid Lives MySpace page.
Splashnewsonline - Another story about Sordid Lives with video.
IMDb - Jason's profile on the Internet Movie Database. - his official website.
Olivia Newton John - Her official website where she also discusses the series in her news tab.
If it's legitimate, Jason Dottley should know that there is a huge contingent of movie night participants and their friends in DC that will be all over this series. Yes, I emailed him for more info!
For those of you who may have missed the 1,000 times we've watched this movie at my place, here's a YouTube cut that will give you a glimpse of why it is so fantastic. TV night anyone?
Sordid Lives
Check out the article here. A big thanks to Laura for locating it!
Boston Finale

I took a quick T ride to Harvard Square where I had lunch at Felipe's Taqueria (excellent) with my friend Rene and then had a tattoo consultation with Jase at Chameleon Body Arts. If I lived in Boston or could afford to travel there to get my work done, I'd definitely choose him. We took a quick stroll through the Harvard campus where not one normal conversation was overheard. I have never walked past so many hundreds (maybe thousands) of people deeply engrossed in educational conversation.

Oh yes - I thought of a few more topics to add to my previous post about the trip:

2. How did Jym and I purchase the exact same Calvin Klein coat at Filene's Basement without knowing it? There were hundreds of choices. Does this mean we are in a relationship?
3. If we had an i-phone...
4. I guess a paparrazo caught us??? Click HERE for details
5. Is Laura now a Makah's Maahk ambassador?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Work Work Work
The conference is good thus far. Came to the room to catch up on work email before going back for the next session.
Boston is more fun with friends than it is with colleagues :-) I also need to take a photo of my view with my camera instead of my cell phone for the full effect. No time now!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Winding Down
Bunker Hill

The cabbie got lost and reprimanded us for not knowing where we were going. Had we known, we would have driven. We knew the address, but not the way.
We are now enjoying tasty breakfast treats at the Warren Tavern, the longest continually operating pub in MA. Paul Revere drank here...rumor has it he drank here alot!

Items of note:
1. Crispy Aromatic Shrimp with special spicy aromatic sauce.
2. Chinese ear cleaners.
3. The bachelorettes.
4. The "real" reason J/J were asked to leave the fancy nightclub.
5. How we got home on Saturday night?
6. Camera wars.
7. What kind of pictures to take at "Top of the Hub."
8. Ranch dressing.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Drinking Game

Here is a picture of us playing the Wooden Balance Drinking Game they purchased in the Mount Vernon gift shop. The first picture portrays two very happy boys who have beat the game by stacking all the pieces.
We got bored with it so we added a pink elephant into the mix in lieu of the missing green piece. Green, by the way, requires a social drink when that color is rolled.
In preparation for what was surely to be a painful morning we took some pills...then decided to incorporate them into the game for some additional challenge and more dramatic falls. We ultimately assigned ourselves a team of blocks and additional drinking rules associated with them. I'm fairly certain that we each had to drink at least twice during each hand of play by the end.
Laura, while amused at our child games, chose not to participate. She watched sports on the television as documented in the second photo.
We have now consumed our Dunkin Donuts and coffee so it is time to go be a tourist!

Friday, October 12, 2007
You ask?
Off to Boston!
Dags has spoken
Sad but true.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Reel Affirmations

I should have titled this post, "Naked Boys Singing" since that is the film we watched and that would be a more attention grabbing name! Today was the opening night of the 2007 Reel Affirmations festival. This is DC's international GLBT film festival, and generally shows some great films. Unfortunately this year I will be leaving tomorrow and missing most of it. The film was great, but essentially a flashy remake of the show. I expected it to be more of a documentary of sorts showing the challenges and successes of putting such a show together and the dynamic issues of the producers, actors, etc. Overall, it was fun and I'm glad I went, but not a great film.
The opening party was at Nellie's, free liquor, swag bag and all, but I had to leave after two quick drinks with Tim, Randy, & Brian. Ran into several people we know , but was time to pack for the Boston trip!
Oh yes, I am now 11 full days smoke free and working on the 12th! Click the links above and below for more info on the film festival or the movie.