Monday, July 30, 2007
My replacement power cord came today for the video camera! Now I can actually download the videos to my MacBook and edit the good stuff from Costa Rica with my new software. Macs are compatible with everything digital, except JVC. Didn't know it was going to be such a hassle, but all is well now!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Happy Birthday
Mezza Luna...having fun.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
KUNT Action News
Bionic Woman?
Strangely enough, I was actually doing tourist search crap and I ultimately remembered to hunt down the gay tourism commercial. It is very well done, so I put it here for all to see since you don't all watch LOGO where it is frequently played. Philadelphia has done a great deal in recent years (according to friends) to promote the gayness of the city. Having only been there once, (this year,) I'd say they are on the right track, but have a little ways to go. I do like the city. Check out the commercial. It is short.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Take It Like A Man
I was browsing the web because that's what we do when we can't sleep, right? Hector's sister, Suzette, blogged about this band and I'm cracking up at their video. According to Suzy describes their music as, "Pop songs mixed with a bit of rock, a dash of electro and a side of cheese. :) I like that side of cheese. It's genius." I completely agree.
Dragonette's MySpace page describes the transition from, "...singer-songwriter, Ani Di Franco, Lilith Fair, Jewel-type music… tamponics!" to, "...dirty, hook-heavy, electropop monsters...depicting a world of guilt-free promiscuity and sexual predators on the prowl." What's not to like about that? They also make an analogy to singing over Pat Benatar tracks during the transition. Even though I'm not really sure how to take it, they do mention her. And we all know how I feel about my Pat!
Take a quick look at this video. It has a spoofy 70's porn vibe to it. Fun. Nice work Suzy in discovering them!
You can also see their full website here:

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hate Crime
You can also see the information directly on HRC's website or do a YouTube search for hate crimes and you'll see lots of powerfull videos. Time to go to work!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Their wet kisses show they love you!

You have got to be kidding me. Click this link to see the Love 'n Licks Puppy. According to the website, there are only 4 steps and if you click the link you can hear how the dog sounds when it shows the wet love.
1. Love me: I bark!
2. Love me more: I bark louder & wag my tail!
3. Love me EVEN more: I kick my leg!
4. Love me most: I give you wet puppy kisses!
A toy that many emotionally disturbed children will this create? I guess it isn't any worse than Baby Alive - the first doll I remember that ate and actually pooped. My cousin Starla loved this doll. Watch the video on the website - it shows the doll in "action." Ick.
Bye Bye VB
Got off the plane and had a quick cocktail at Solly's the checked out the new Nellies. I was the only patron at closing time, but I snagged a quick drink and chatted with the bartenders. Looks like they hired a nice set of very intelligent, chatty, and pretty boys to staff the place. I won't abandon Solly's, but I'll be back.
The drunk dude probably lives here. If it was any other night I'd ask the desk, but since my HOA is trying to save $ it is no longer staffed on Sunday night. Again, not my problem.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Cleveland Airport
Brunchy Time!
Dags Anonymous

Whitney and I finished our Jumbo Slice and took the Vespa over to Eastern Market for some shopping and flowers. We finished our shopping on 14th St. finding some Asian symbol of Joy for her mom. When Timmy got home we headed out to the burbs so she could play with her friend Hanna. They grilled chicken and served us a delicious meal! Such really great people. Despite Timmy's four hour adventure with just one cigarette, I think he had fun too.
Now for the title topic: Perhaps I am a bit naive, but I did not know what a 'Dags' was. I know who Dags is, but today I found a Dags Anonymous Club and of course I had to blog about it and do a little research. According to the interweb, a dag is, "a lock of matted or dung-coated wool." That's gross. It is also a commonly accepted acronym for Googling, specifically standing for, "Do A Google Search." Apparently, I DAGS'd "Dags" to find out about it. Odd.
I am going to forget all of this and continue to know her as the Russian Royalty that she is. Rumor has it our Dags is brewing up her own adventures blog which is very exciting - more exciting than any of this wasted time I've spent doing nothing today! You might also notice a new blog link to the right. I've set up a TimmyCam blog for him to do some mobile blogging. This could be fun!
dags. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved July 22, 2007, from website:
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Let's start with a pedi
The weekend is here!

Friday, after a fantastic show of Whitney's art at the Smithsonian, we took Metro all the way to the middle of nowhere (Huntington) to Lissa's to swim with Flora. She is getting SO big. Timmy joined us after work and we ordered Chinese. Flora said, "egg roll." Lissa said that is not in her regular vocabulary, despite the fact that she has a very large vocabulary for her age. (Not surprised with such smart and engaging parents!)
We're off for some great adventures today. Perhaps we'll do some mobile blogging! We plan to finish the week with a child friendly Sunday Funday brunch tomorrow with several friends before Whit catches a plane back to Ohio.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I've driven by this many times and never captured it. Today Whitney wanted to walk home from camp instead of taking the Metro. Taking this pic was the only fun thing about walking home from the Smithsonian Castle in work clothes.
Construction Update
Tuesday we visited Rita Jean's garden and then had dinner at Dakota Cowgirl with Dags/RJ. We finished the night relaxing in the beautiful night breeze on RJ's roof.
Here's a construction update photo from Steve. The estate grounds are being drilled for geothermal heating in the mansion (Lisa hates when I refer to it as a clearly I will continue to do so!)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Lazy Day on the Farm
We took Mom and Dad to Des Essenhaus for a buffet breakfast and then I took a nap. Waiting on Timmy to get here. Keith is making chili for the church chili cook off, but I don't know if we'll go or not. That might be a little overload for this lazy day with no agenda. Chilling with Lisa now. I added a link on the side to Hottbeef. Everyone should check it out - and don't worry it isn't what you undoubtably think it is. I am particularly fond of The Goat Gallery and feel very strongly that Goat should have an interactive message board or blog so we can effectively communicate directly with him.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Astro Blender
We are on the way to my Mom & Dad's. I decided after last nights adventures that I had no business consuming any beverages so it was time to leave Columbus. The Utica Dari Shack was a must stop on the way. I am excited to see Steve & Lisa's house in person tonight! They came to pick me up and we had lunch at M&E. We got some treats for Moose Dog at Village Pet Supply and tried to shop at Tom's collectibles store, but it was closed for a few hours when we passed by. A nice quiet day overall.
I will survive
Phone is dead. So is Erica and she would approve. She'd actually be here...perhaps she is.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
" incredibly strong woman"
BALL (Michael) Erica (Michael) Ball, age 34, of Galloway, passed away peacefully at her home early Sunday morning, July 8, 2007. She was born December 14, 1972 in Columbus and was a graduate of Hilliard High School. She attended The Ohio State University and was a Sales Supervisor in home lending for J.P. Morgan Chase. Erica was an incredibly strong woman who ended her battle with cancer after fighting for eight years. Erica is survived by her parents, James and Elvira Michael of Hilliard. Erica has two children, Matthew McNamee, 18, and Cassidy Ball, 11. Also survived by her husband, Trevor Ball; brother, Frank Michael; sisters, Laura Erwin and Marla Michael. Erica will be missed and loved by them as well as her many nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins and friends. Family and friends may call 4-8 p.m. WEDNESDAY at THE JOHN QUINT TREBONI FUNERAL HOME, 1177 W. 5th Avenue. Funeral 10:30 a.m. THURSDAY, St. Christopher Catholic Church, 1420 Grandview Avenue. Rev. Msgr. John K. Cody, Presiding. Burial St. Joseph Cemetery. It is the wishes of the family that contributions be made to the Erica Ball Memorial Fund through any Huntington Bank or the American Cancer Society, 870 Michigan Ave., Columbus, 43215.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Erica Ball, December 14, 1972 - July 8, 2007
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Spending the day with friends...casually hanging out and watching channel 17.
July 4 Dance Party 2007 (the documentary)
Mobile YouTubing
I know ... you are waiting for the Fourth of July Dance Party 2007 video aren't you? It is done. I'm deciding whether to post it without having some consent forms signed. Can't have my friends bringing lawsuits against me, and I edited alot. I mean alot alot.
I just figured out how to mobile YouTube. This is frightening because now I can post videos on the fly too! This one is a forward from Steve from July 3 showing some construction on the mansion from upstairs!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Blog Stats
Interestingly enough, 31.3% of the visitors this week stayed for over 1 hour. Now this could be just opening it and leaving it open in the background. Regardless...friends...don't you have anything better to do than read this crap? j/k
Construction Update
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Fourth
Vanessa being Vanasty
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Front Porch
Another Shot!
Construction Update
I left work and got a mani/pedi then came home to change ( I stopped at Polly's/Solly's on my way here.) Judge not lest... Rock Star 4th of July Eve is about to kick off on U St.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Shipment for Catrina!
We are on our way back from OH. Last night turned into a messy adventure, but we had fun. It was great to do a little bar hop and see lots of old friends. No Such Fate played at Club D. Quite a treat to catch them two months in a row without any planning on our part! Grace Kelly even came out and joined us for a few beers.
Club D
We are drinking away the day at Club Diversity. It is warranted.