Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lazy Day on the Farm

We went out last night to a nice Mexican restaurant in Wooster called El Campesino. The plan was to build a bonfire afterwards, but I was exhausted. After chatting with Mom for awhile, I fell asleep. Despite my complete exhaustion, I kept waking up thinking dead people were in the room. The only thing I could think about was my vacation home that I've been talking about for years. Now that they are building, I have building envy. This morning I was up early and went quadrunning with Steve to look at the piece of land I want to buy for this someday to be built vacation home.

We took Mom and Dad to Des Essenhaus for a buffet breakfast and then I took a nap. Waiting on Timmy to get here. Keith is making chili for the church chili cook off, but I don't know if we'll go or not. That might be a little overload for this lazy day with no agenda. Chilling with Lisa now. I added a link on the side to Hottbeef. Everyone should check it out - and don't worry it isn't what you undoubtably think it is. I am particularly fond of The Goat Gallery and feel very strongly that Goat should have an interactive message board or blog so we can effectively communicate directly with him.

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