Sunday, January 21, 2007

Three times the PAIN

I mentioned yesterday that the Military Challenge class I took at Vida Fitness kicked my ass. Well I am very sore today. Antwoin makes it miserable to fail - for example - After completing lets say 3,000 squats, he makes the class hold it in down position. The first person to collapse has to do 100 more in front of the class. Brutal. I love it. My goal is to be able to breeze through his class, but I'll spend many more weeks struggling through it and embarrassing myself first I'm sure.

I purchased an exercise ball at Target to work on my core early in the week, but I'll have to rest before the Saturday Military Challenge class. I've decided to take Matt's class on Tuesday and use Thursday for working my upper body. It is strong enough to recover by Saturday for the Military Challenge class where my core is not.

R and I had lunch at Freddie's Beach Bar in Crystal City. Their menu is hysterical. I ate a "Girlfriend" and he had a "Mermaid. What a riot. Beyond the food, it was rather strange to be able to light up a cigarette after eating. It has only been a few weeks in DC, but I am completely comfortable with going outside to smoke; I embrace the DC Smoking Ban. It tempers my smoking and I can wear my couture to the bars. I smoked like a chimney at Freddies, not because I wanted to, but because I could. I hate VA smoking laws - yet another reason to avoid crossing over to the other side.

No major plans for today. It was great to be exhausted last night. I had a tiny bowl of homemade chili with M/C and fell fast asleep on their sofa before 10 P.M. Around midnight I crawled home and nestled into my own bed for a fantastic night of rest. I've been up since 7:30 and am ready to face the day!

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