Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Vacation Flashback

It wasn't all political history and relaxation on vacation. I also met a new girlfriend. She even brought her kid to Amerika, the nightclub. This pic shows when she spilled her drink on my shoulder. I guess it is hard to hold a baby, smoke, drink, dance, and look longingly into my American eyes all at once.

I was a little shocked to find she was trying to cheat on her boyfriend with me, but then realized he was into it and posed for a photo. Yes, he is, mmm, a short person with an oxygen tank. Notice it didn't stop anyone from smoking, including him!

Fun Vacation Memories! Thanks to Oscar for sending these photos taken at some ungodly morning disco hour!


A Special Friend said...

That's a woman? Are you sure? And, dear god that boyfriend is lucky he hasn't blown up yet!

Jay said...

Wow, awesome and scary as hell all at once.

BloodKillerDeathMan said...

You can't make this shit up