Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Funday: Phoenixville, PA

After touring a good part of Valley Forge, taking in the historic sites and the wildlife, we have settled onto the deck for boxed sangria and peas & carrots (hapi snacks hot wasabi peas & kraft Macaroni & Cheese Crackers.) We couldn't resist 5 liters of sangria for $12.45, but we did have to doctor it up.

Here's some of the wildlife from Valley Forge

Here we are at the Arch

1 comment:

Ja Yung said...

Oh my goodness... so I am a loser bc it just hit me you had a page! I LOVE your writings... too funny! Love the Valley Forge wildlife and love the peas & carrots snack even more! I didn't realize anyone else ate wasabi peas! A friend got me wasabi peanuts and those are sooo yummy!!