Friday, February 02, 2007

JT Satisfaction

Yeah I cameras. This is clearly an amateur camera phone shot. It cracks me up how the glow of the camera phones in any concert audience these days will almost trump the spotlight.

The show is satisfying, but not a 10. Cat is giving it a 5...I say 6. Tiff says too little dancing and I say too many clothes. He's cute and all in a shirt, vest, and jacket, but can't we get a little of that Justin body? There doesn't seem to be much diversity in the choreography, which surprises the hell out of me. He does, however, have a fantastic mix of ethnicities and body types in his dancers (both male and female.) Yes, the 'thick' ones aren't as prominent as the itty bitty waists, but they are there.

I like how a center stage puts the action closer to more people and I'm sure they like how it can increase the ticket prices, but I'm not such a fan of him performing 'behind the curtain' for so much of this show. He is, as you can see, digitally superimposed via the video broadcast onto the curtain, but it psychologically separates me from my JT. I want nothing but air between us as he performs. You judge my claim of ownership? The $114 ticket gives me the right to claim anything I want for this brief moment of time. He sells himself to each of us to do with as we like in our heads. The more we pay, the closer we get to our fantasies. I am doing dirty things, very dirty things. (Don't tell my boyfriend.)

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