Friday, February 02, 2007

JT Anticipation

It has been a long week. I ended up with icky Strep and have been trying to quarantine myself. Dr. M said I should be able to attend the concert tonight without being contagious. I did offer to wear a veil as an alternative method to attend if he said I couldn't go. He laughed.

I did need some rest so we missed the opening act (Pink.) We have decent seats in Section 102, Row K at the Verizon Center (which I can't stop calling the MCI Center btw.) Perfect view if you ask me with the center stage layout. I guzzled a half a glass of wine at RFD with the girls and am feeling a little loopy on my medication and an empty stomach. Perhaps I am merely quivering with anticipation for JT.

Nah...even I'm not that gay. I might ordinarily say nobody is that gay, but all I have to do is look around. Holy gayness in the nation's capital. It is all the gays, some chubby teenage girls, and a bunch of early 20's Hollywood wannabes with fake Gucci bags who've had far too much liquor that they can't handle. Ridiculous

I'm sitting by a Latin tattooed hottie. Yummy delicious. Perhaps his girlfriend will go to the bathroom and he'll want to cuddle up with me. Not a chance.

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