Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pop Pop Pop Pop

The sound of construction in the neighborhood while I was getting ready this morning - so I thought. Apparently 4 idiots shot some dude. He died. Perhaps related to his industry? Drugs? Who can say. They shot him in the back so I guess they weren't man enough to look him in the eye. There will be teddy bears and flowers on the spot for weeks no doubt.

Coming home from work an oversized file cabinet fell of a truck and slid across the road. I was right behind it on the G-ride; I effectively swerved. If I died, would it be blamed on my form of transportation or the truck driver's inability to learn to tie a knot when he was a cub scout? I barely escape the stress of the office, would be a bit ironic if a file cabinet from someone else's did me in. My industry...

I think I'll take the train tomorrow. A martini is in order tonight.

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