Friday, January 29, 2010

Morning Kids!

I haven't written an actual blog post in some time.  Looks like 2010 is going to be a great year!  Here it is January and we are hosting our third weekend of house guests to DC.  Welcome Erin & Holly from CMH!  We kicked off the weekend with Timmy's famous enchiladas, some booze at Polly's cafe, and the obligatory tourist visit to Adams Morgan where the girls sang their hearts out at Karaoke.  Fun Times!

The calendar is filling up quickly and I'm very excited about it.  This is exactly why we live where we live and how we live.  I wonder if people will still come if we settle down to the mid-century home of our dreams? Will it happen this year?  Let's just pray we don't end up too far out in the burbs where social lives can go to die.  Surely we wouldn't let that happen?  Regardless, that's a hint...if you live far away and like the convenience of our U Street location for a getaway, this might be the last year to do it.  Our guest room is always open!

So enough about me, now about me; I celebrated yesterday.  January 28 marked the official five month anniversary since I quit smoking.  This is significant because that's where I gave up in 2008.  Honestly, that time around, I was smoking on the weekends in month four, but I always say I quit smoking one time for 5 I really did.  This time it is somehow different.  Over the five month period, I've allowed myself the occasional hit of someone else's cigarette every few weeks and it's routinely disgusting to me.  This is exactly how I want it to feel.  I fell off the wagon one night at about month three and chain smoked three cigarettes.  This was an excellent alternative to jumping in front of the 14th Street bus, which is what I really wanted to do that night.  I announced to the world that I failed, borrowed a fist fool of cigarettes, and smoked 'em up.  I fully expected to be a smoker the next morning, but when I woke up that Saturday, I just didn't have any desire to smoke.  THANK JEEBUS!  Fortunately for all my smoking friends, I do love the second hand smoke so I don't have to be the bitter and judgy ex-smoker and I still get to take passive smoke breaks with my friends!  Mostly I just watch everyone's purses and cell phones while they leave me in the bar.  I'm really OK with this.  The next step is to stop taking the Chantix so I can sleep for more than 3 hours at a time and stop killing people in my dreams.  Fun.

Some of us are reliving our youth as we cling to the images of DC's Real World on MTV.  It's so strange that we have friends as old as the series and most of them just don't get the fascination with the show.  Yes, I stalked them during filming.  Yes, I follow their every tweet.  Yes, I was at Nellies for the episode 1 viewing party.  Yes, Yes, Yes.  I'll admit to it all and I'll be sure to tell the world if a piece of the back of my t-shirt makes it on the air.  I'm too old and un-pretty to have been asked to sign a waiver so my face certainly won't air, but there's that little tiny chance that I'll get my .5 seconds of fame on the Real World.  Stay tuned.  If you can't bear to watch, at least read the Georgetown University Blog where they rank the cast members.  My beloved gaybie, Michael, didn't get much air time this week, but the blog will show you just how adolescent the show is.  It's deliciously horrible!

There are some new additions to the world.  Baby Lisa is having another baby in 2010.  Now, it isn't what you're thinking; Baby B isn't getting a brother.  She started a blog to document how she is Surviving the Simple Life!  With just a few posts in, I can tell it will be a must read and have already added it to my Google Reader.  I hope she has some Google Analytics linked up to that thing so she can see how many hits she gets.  Her tagline sums it up perfectly, "30 something teacher, wife and new mother continues to adjust to a life she never pictured for herself. She trades her vision of a city lifestyle for life on the farm with her husband."  Oh, and Sister Disco got a baby of her own, a dog named Zulu, after moving in with the boys.  How they live with all those pets and a Vergie up in that trailer is beyond me.  They must go through a handle of Jack every day! Finally, Jay over at Kill the Goat is blogging again!  You must check out how she follows the doctor's most recent medical advice!

I better bounce off here and get my arse to work.  I got up early with the intention of working early and here I sit writing.  I gots kids in my trailer that want to experience H Street tonight!  There's a new mid-century themed bar, Toyland, having a soft opening this weekend.  I got to check it out before it becomes popular with the bridge and tunnel types.

While my blog is so frequently silent these days, I do keep an online presence.  If you're interested, follow JasonDC on Twitter where I spew the random nothingness that is my life.  Happy Friday Kids!

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